The Art Needlework Repository

The Art Needlework Repository, 288, Sauchiehall Street.—

    Among the more interesting and attractive establishments in Glasgow the Art Needlework Fancy Repository, which has been established since 1881, takes a prominent place. The premises occupied consist of an elegant showroom fitted in the best style.

    This is the most important establishment of its kind in Glasgow, and was established by the energetic and talented proprietress, Miss Campbell Maclvor, to encourage the study of decorative art-work, such as art needlework, china painting, tapestry painting, painting on satin, velvet, terra-cotta, &c., in all of which Miss Maclvor gives instruction. Classes have been formed, and under the able guidance of the proprietress, who has worthily gained a number of medals both in Scotland and England, great progress has been made.

    In the showrooms may be noticed beautiful colouring in silks, plushes, art serges, Kensington wools, &c., which have been highly admired; also free-hand drawing executed by Miss Maclvor on material that is adapted for screens, curtains, and various other similar forms of house decoration. A great variety of beautiful designs can always be seen,, done from natural flowers, and some are conventional. Elliot’s designs and materials for lustra painting are kept in stock. There can be little wonder at the success that has been achieved and the extensive and influential connection that has been developed. The establishment is very deservedly popular.

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