David Auld & Sons

David Auld & Sons, Engineers and Ironfounders, Whitevale Foundry, Rochester Street.—

    It is always interesting and frequently very instructive to trace the progress and development of any particular branch of industry, and there are few districts in the United Kingdom which offer greater facilities for this study than Glasgow. Amongst the industrial establishments of this city, the old-established and well-known firm of Messrs. David Auld & Sons, engineers and iron-founders, of the Whitevale Foundry, Rochester Street, have for many years occupied a leading position.

    This business dates back in its foundation over forty years, when it was established originally in Bridgeton, Glasgow, the present premises being entered upon in 1882. The Whitevale Foundry is laid out on an extensive scale, covering a large area of ground mostly occupied by buildings in which the various workshops are arranged, and in which experienced workmen are actively employed in general engineering and ironfounders’ works ; also in the construction of the several specialities for which Messrs. Auld & Sons have gained such a a high reputation.

    Amongst these may be mentioned Auld’s patent mechanical stoker, which is a really wonderful invention. On fuel being supplied to hopper, it is fed into the furnace, and by a compound motion imparted to the fire-bars, the fuel is conveyed regularly and continuously towards the back-end of furnace, so ensuring an even level fire all over furnace, in place of heaping up fuel at front-end in a thick incombustible mass. The fire is self-cleaning. The clinkers and ash fall over back-end, from whence they are removed by fireman.

    Auld’s patent steam trap, suitable for either high or low pressure steam. This admirable invention works without friction, there being no stuffing boxes, levers, balance weights, &o., to retard its action.

    Auld’s patent self-acting surplus steam valve. The surplus steam produced in high pressure boilers (that is, steam produced in excess of the working pressure required), may be passed by means of this valve from high-pressure into low-pressure boilers, thus effecting great economy in fuel.

    Auld’s patent improved reducing-valve or regulator is another highly valuable invention for obtaining steam of low and uniform pressure for any purpose where steam may be required at a lower pressure than the pressure of steam in the boiler. The reducing valve is applicable for cotton spinning and weaving factories, flax and wool spinning and weaving factories, calico printers, dyers, bleachers, paper makers, sugar refiners, chemists, soap works, distilleries, breweries, &c.

    Auld’s patent self-acting damper apparatus is an excellent invention for regulating the draught of steam boiler furnaces and economising fuel ; a very large number of these are in operation.

    Auld’s patent self-acting smoke-burning door is one of the most successful inventions for this purpose yet introduced. When the door is shut after firing, the air valve remains open, but gradually closes until completely shut, thus preventing cold air getting into the furnace any longer than necessary, which is so often the case when the air is admitted by hand. The flow of sand in the valve box can be regulated so as to lessen or prolong the time that the air valve remains open.

    Messrs. David Auld & Sons have a first-class business connection, and their specialities have a large sale both in Scotland and England.

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