J. & W. Burns

J. & W. Burns, North British Hair-Cutting Saloons, 33 and 35, Dundas Street.—

    Among the most thriving business establishments of Glasgow it would be difficult to find one more popular and successful than that of Messrs. J. & W. Bums, the noted hairdressers’, &c. This business is one that has enjoyed a highly prosperous career for more than twenty years, having been originally established at 51, Dundas Street, in 1867, by Mr. John Bums. In 1882 it was deemed advisable to remove to a larger and more commodious establishment, and the business was therefore transferred to the present address, Mr. William Bums (brother of the former proprietor), joining the firm as partner. The establishment is one of the most attractive in the thoroughfare. The frontage of the premises presents a very elegant appearance, and the whole of the front saloon is tastefully arranged with a large stock of hairdressers’ goods of a very superior quality.

    A leading speciality is Burn’s celebrated hollow-ground razors. These razors are made of the finest English steel, and are well tested by the proprietors previous to being disposed of to the public. Everyone that uses a razor is aware of the advantage these goods possess over the thick-edged razor, and Messrs. Bum’s production are unsurpassed in quality. The stock kept includes in addition to the foregoing a great variety of razor-strops, &c., everything being of a very high-class order.

    Behind the front shop are the handsome hair-dressing saloons, fitted up with every regard to comfort. A number of skilled assistants are engaged, special care having been exercised in the selection of these. In the rear of this saloon are the baths which are six in number, and are fitted up in a most elaborate and elegant form. Here also an efficient staff is engaged, and the arrangements are perfect in every detail. In every department the business is carried on in the most superior style, and the firm cater for the patronage of a very high-class connection. In gaining this a great measure of success has been achieved, and this may be justly ascribed to the able manner in which the business has been conducted.

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