Cera Light Company, Limited

Cera Light Company, Limited, 70, York Street.—

    This company commenced business in 1886, and may now be said to have established a name and business of no mean order. They are the patentees for lamps and stoves for burning a substance termed “Cera,” which is a solid wax without taste or smell. The company claim for their lamps, brilliancy, economy, safety, cleanliness, and convenience, and in support of these it may be stated that their lamps give a light equal to about twice the candle power of that obtained on the same size at wide as colza oil and at half the cost. There is no danger whatever from explosion or fire. Neither smell nor smoke result from burning, even when the flame is turned down to its lowest. The wick does not consume, hence the lamps require no trimming, and can be constructed to burn for days without attention. There is no danger or waste from spilling, as in the case of oils, hence a great advantage as ship stores. No glass chimneys are required for signal or other enclosed lamps. These are of great value. The stoves are adapted for cooking and heating, and avoid all the dangers which attend paraffin oil stoves ; and the ‘Cera,’ if spilt, is not inflammable, but can be gathered up and used again. Although the company have only been in existence a couple of years, the lamps are very favourably known, among shipowners especially, and the company’s trade goes on increasing at a most satisfactory pace. Already the company have supplied some of the largest shipping firms in Glasgow and other places, at home and abroad. The Board of Trade have reported upon them in the most favourable terms, and the secretary of the company is prepared to furnish the fullest information with respect to the lamps and stoves, including their cost, size, &c., upon application.

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