Neilson Davie

Neilson Davie, Heddle and Reed Manufacturer, Greenhead Mills, Silvergrove Street, Bridgeton.—

    One of the most important industries of Glasgow is that of weaving. Among the firms upon which our mills depend for the necessary requisites for carrying on their work honourable mention must be made of Mr. Neilson Davie, heddle and reed manufacturer, Greenhead Mills. Mr. Davie started business twenty-five years ago in Bell Street, City, and subsequently was obliged by increasing business to remove to his present extensive premises.

    A large number of operatives are here employed, men being engaged in the manufacture of reeds and women in that of heddles, and the excellence of the work and Mr. Davie’s upright character have gained for the house a high name in the busy mills of Glasgow and district.

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