Dron & Lawson

Dron & Lawson, Engineers and Machine Makers, Cranstonhill Tool Works.—

    A firm of much prominence and importance in connection with the engineering and mechanical industries of Glasgow is that of Messrs. Dron & Lawson, controlling the well-known Cranstonhill Tool Works. This old and notable house was founded in 1852 in North Street by Messrs. Dron & Lawson, fathers of the present, partners, and the personnel of the firm now includes Messrs. William Dron, David Lawson, and John Lawson, who capably and successfully carry on the business under its original title.

    The Cranstonhill Tool Works are extensive and thoroughly well-suited to the industrial purposes to which they are devoted. They cover an area of about 16,000 square feet, and are comprised in three large structures joined together longitudinally. The first building contains four spacious flats, the second a large fitting shop with travelling crane, and the third one is the yard smithy, and each measures about 160 by 35 feet in ground area. In the four-storey building all light work is done, the ground floor being devoted to the heavier work, while the top flat is used as a pattern-shop. The establishment is very complete in all details of equipment, the plant being extensive, valuable, and highly effective. The working force numbers upwards of a hundred men.

    The manufactures of the house are numerous and noteworthy, and among leading specialities are improved hand-screwing apparatus, taps, dies, screw tools, screwing machines of all sizes ; planing, shaping, slotting, and drilling machines ; self-acting, self-screwing, and hand-lathes of all sizes ; punching and shearing machines, plate-planing, plate-bending, and riveting machines, countersink verticals, and steam hammers ; waggon-builders’ and block-makers’ mortising machines ; oval lathes, for hammer-shafts and other purposes ; stationers', bookbinders', and boxmakers’ millboard cutting machines, guillotines, embossing presses, circular and plain-scoring machines, screw presses, and corner-cutting machines. Taps, dies, and screwing machines are produced in especially large number and quantity, and the firm were sole manufacturers, while the patent lasted, of “Dudgeon’s Tube Expanders”, which they make largely at all times. A widespread trade is controlled.

    The partners are well known as thoroughly practical and energetic men of business, conducting their important industry with spirit and enterprise, and Mr. Dron is a prominent Glasgow citizen, having formerly for many years been a bailie and a member of the Town Council.

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