William M. Edgar

William M. Edgar, Grocer and Wine Merchant, 157, Buchanan Street.—

    The business carried on by Mr. William M. Edgar was established by his late father, Mr. William F. Edgar, in the year 1835. Mr. Edgar occupies a large and handsome shop in the Stock Exchange Buildings, where the business has been conducted for the last nine years.

    He is an Italian warehouseman and wine and spirit merchant, and has two specialities which command a great sale. One is a blended whisky, which bears the euphonious title, “Edgar’s Toddy Whisky”, whilst the other article is named ‘‘Edgar’s Poultry-feeding Mixture”.

    “Toddy Whisky” is known “all over the world”, at least, all that portion of the world which is known to Scotchmen. There is little doubt that this whisky has a great name and a great sale, and a most delicious flavour when converted into a “toddy”.

    The “Poultry-feeding Mixture” has been proved from an experience of many years to be a most excellent compound and the best evidence in its favour is the constant demand for it which prevails amongst breeders of poultry.

    Mr. Edgar’s business is conducted on the best possible lines, and he enjoys the confidence of his clients.

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