R. & J. Garroway

Messrs. R. & J. Garroway, Netherfield Chemical Works, Glasgow.—

    One of the notable firms engaged in the exemplification of Glasgow’s great chemical industry is that of Messrs. R. & J. Garroway, Netherfield Chemical Works, Glasgow. This extensive and important business was founded over seventy years ago near the site of the present premises, which latter have existed for about half a century.

    The personnel of the present firm comprises Dr. Robert (surgeon), John, William, and James Garroway. The Netherfield Works occupy a large area of ground, over eight acres in extent.

    The chemicals made in the works consist of roll sulphur, double vitriol, concentrated vitriol, unconcentrated vitriol, pyrites vitriol, nitric acid, aquafortis, marine acid, soda ash, caustic soda, salt cake, nitre cake, calcined sulphate of soda, Glauber salts, Epsom salts, sulphurous acid, bisulphite of lime, sulphite of soda, bisulphite of soda, boracic acid, borax, liquid ammonia, crystals of tin, single muriate of tin, double muriate of tin, oxy-muriate of tin, lac spirits, scarlet spirits, stannate of soda, alizarine stannate, charcoal, pitch, wood-tar, acetate of lime, acetic acid, acetate of alumina, acetate of iron, nitrate of iron, sulphate of iron, nitrate of copper, sulphate of copper, muriate of copper, sulphate of zinc, muriate of zinc, oxalic acid, iodine, sulphate of ammonia, &c., &c. Also chemical manures for home and export.

    They were awarded the gold medal at the Edinburgh International Exhibition of 1886 for excellence of manufacture.

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