Joseph Hannah

Joseph Hannah, 166, Renfield Street.—

    In connection with literature and art, an important business, and one of which it is just to make prominent mention, is that carried on by Mr. Joseph Hannah. His business, which he established some years ago in these premises, consists of collecting all kinds of rare books, pictures, plain and illuminated addresses, manuscripts, &c., first and rare editions of books being a speciality. His premises consist of a fine double shop in which a large stock of these rarities, as well as antique furniture, china, &c., is kept.

    Mr. Hannah has been a collector for over thirty years, and is well known as a connoisseur in ancient curiosities in art and literature. He has a wide and growing connection in aristocratic circles all over the kingdom, and as he spends his whole time in collecting the rarities mentioned for exhibition in his warehouse, this establishment is much frequented by ladies and gentlemen in search of curios in the lines named. In acting as valuer and commission agent Mr. Hannah has been entrusted with some very important commands from people in the first ranks of society.

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