Harvie & McGavin

Harvie & McGavin, Anderston Grain Mills, 27, Washington Street.—

    This well-known concern dates back from the year 1825, when it was founded by the firm of Gardner & Brock. In the year 1836 the firm became Harvie & McGavin, under which style the business is still carried on.

    The mill is of considerable extent, and is worked by steam power. It consists of a building of six flats, each 70 by 70 feet area, and there are twelve pairs of mill-stones. This is the only mill in Glasgow for grinding oats and oatmeal. The granary consists also of a building of six flats, of the area of 70 feet by 50 feet. There is a six-stalled stable and a millwright’s shop attached to the premises, and also a kiln for drying the grain, chiefly oats.

    A large business is done by the firm, who have a first-class connection. The trade is principally local, and the firm enjoys the confidence and respect of their numerous clients.

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