Charles Lindsay

Charles Lindsay, Manufacturing Wholesale Ironmonger and General Smith, 33, Great Hamilton Street.—

    This is a well-known and old-established business. It was established in the same locality upwards of thirty years ago, and has been owned by Mr. Lindsay for fourteen years. The present commodious premises were entered four years ago, and occupy a large portion of ground, consisting of three flats, comprising showrooms, stoving and japanning room, smiths’ shop, fitting shop, grinding and polishing shop, packing rooms, and general warehouse.

    In this establishment the employees are principally engaged in the manufacture of kitchen and parlour fenders and ash pans. Mr. Lindsay is the principal and best known maker in Scotland for this class of goods. He is represented throughout the United Kingdom, and has a rapidly increasing trade among shippers for the colonial markets. Mr. Lindsay’s fame amongst the best ironmongery houses has grown rapidly within the last few years, owing to the excellence of his productions and the able manner in which he conducts his business.

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