Alexander Macnab

Alexander Macnab, Artist in Photography, 92, West Nile Street.—

    Mr. Alexander Macnab has been established in business as a photographic artist thirty-three years, and he has occupied his present premises twenty-nine years ; consequently he is well known to all residents of Glasgow and its vicinity. The establishment in West Nile Street is both large and handsome, and the studio proper is very elegantly fitted up. The premises comprise three flats or floors. The lower one is appropriated for workrooms and offices, &c. ; the second contains the reception and ladies’ dressing-rooms, &c. ; whilst the upper one forms the studio.

    Mr. Macnab has for years past enjoyed a high reputation in his profession. He has preserved his negatives from the very foundation of the concern, and the very earliest ones are now as good and as perfect as they were when taken, and it is probable that Mr. Macnab has the largest stock of negatives of any firm in the same line in Glasgow. He has become famous and widely known as a “photographic enlarger”, and he has few rivals in this wonderful branch of the art. His connection extends all over the west of Scotland, and his clients are of the influential and substantial order. Amongst the stars of the theatrical world he finds liberal patrons, and he is regularly patronised by the members of the London companies who visit Glasgow.

    He has another studio at Ravelston Cottage, Uddingston, and at this branch the printing work of the concern is conducted. The average number of hands employed by Mr. Macnab is thirty. However, considering the magnificent style in which his photographs are executed and the admirable management of the business, the magnitude of his practice is not a matter for surprise. The proprietor, it may be added, is very popular as an artist.

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