Henry Maguire

Henry Maguire, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Provision, Wine and Spirit Merchant, 109, King Street, Tradeston.—

    This business, so ably carried on by Mr. Henry Maguire, was established in 1849 in these premises by the late Mr. Robert Dickie. Under Mr. Dickie’s care the shop became well known, and he succeeded in building up an extensive trade. Mr. Maguire entered these premises in 1878, having previous to that time had a retail grocery store in the New City Road.

    At 109, King Street, there is a very tidy, compact shop, well furnished, and well stocked with grocery goods and provisions, comprising tea, sugar, coffee, jams, pickles, raisins, Irish meal, Edinburgh meal, flour, eggs, hams and butter, peas, &c., &c., with a large assortment of the various kinds of tinned meats in first-rate condition. In addition to this shop there is a double shop close by, where is stored a reserve stock of goods, such as ship biscuit of all kinds, beef and pork cured in casks, barley, rice, and potatoes. From the West Highlands Mr. Maguire imports direct large quantities of best herrings in barrels, of which he always holds a large stock. In the wine and spirit department there is a large trade done. The firm holds an agency for W. & A. Gilbey’s celebrated wines and spirits, while the sale of whisky is large, amounting to over 600 gallons per annum, in addition to other liquors. Captains are often supplied with best spirits for their medicine chests. In the supplying of beef there is a large trade done, orders being frequently executed for single vessels amounting to over £60.

    This business used to be a good family one as well as a shipping one, but has chiefly been confined to supplying shipping orders lately, and the shop and the manner in which the business is conducted are of great convenience and advantage to all connected with the shipping of the port. Mr. Maguire has a wide connection ; he deals in the best quality of goods, and is fully supported by a wide connection amongst shipmasters, owners, and seafaring men generally.

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