Denis McCashin

Denis McCashin, Ham, Butter, & Egg Merchant, 765, Gallowgate.—

    An establishment that has rapidly come to the front ranks of the commercial houses of the city is that conducted by Mr. Denis McCashin, which, though founded by him in 1887, now holds a recognised position in its own particular line of merchandise. The shop is double-fronted, well-fixtured, and heavily stocked.

    Hams, butter, and eggs, largely imported from Ireland, constitute the specialities for which the house is noted. In butters, the finest Ayrshire fresh, in rolls and prints, are displayed in splendid condition, side by side with the best produce of the celebrated North of Ireland dairies and import houses. Hams, too, in every variety are here found, especially the best Limerick and Belfast-smoked, which are received in frequent consignments and shown in splendid condition. Eggs are seen in immense quantities, weekly shipments being made from the leading poultry farms in the West and other districts noted for this class of produce in Ireland. Eggs, in fact, constitute the staple of the trade, their quality being invariably superior.

    Several experienced assistants are employed, and the whole of the vast stock is kept in thorough order for the inspection of customers. The trade is of a wholesale and retail class, and principally confined to Glasgow.

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