David McDonald

David McDonald, Saddler and Harness Maker, 54, Renfield Street.—

    Turning to the saddlery and harness-making trade of Glasgow, we find a very fine representation of it in the business belonging to Mr. David McDonald. It was originally established in Union Street in 1842, but subsequently removed to Renfield Street, where it was acquired by Mr. McDonald in 1874.

    The premises here consist of a large single shop, well fitted up, and well adapted to the requirements of the business, which is entirely that of first-class saddlery and harness-making. There is a flat below the shop, which is of very large dimensions, used for the workshop, as Mr. McDonald manufactures all his own goods, and none but skilled workmen are employed. He turns out thoroughly substantial work, some exquisite articles in this way, and keeps on hand a very fine stock of saddlery and harness, brushes, &c., and a great variety of stable furnishings.

    He does a first-class town and country trade, with occasional shipments, and is patronised by leading noblemen in Scotland and the principal gentlemen in town and country. Mr. McDonald is thoroughly practical, and gives close personal attention to the business. He has a select reputation for his high-class workmanship, a very favourable position in the trade, and most amiable relationships with all who have dealings with him.

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