Andrew Mickel

Andrew Mickel, Wholesale Shirt, Outfitting, and Hosiery Manufacturer, 110, Paisley Road West.—

    This business was established by Mr. Andrew Mickel in the year 1872, in Glasgow city. He is a retail and also wholesale shirt, outfitting, and hosiery manufacturer, and does an excellent business at above address. His trade connection is of a highly respectable and substantial character, and his business very regular and reliable. Although there are many larger concerns than this in the same line of business in Glasgow, there are none which turn out better, wares either for quality or workmanship, and consequently his goods are in great demand and meet with a ready market. His business is managed with care and prudence, yet Mr. Mickel is both energetic and enterprising, and is what is commonly known as a “smart business man”.

    His establishment in Paisley Road consists of a retail shop, neatly fitted up, stock-room (for wholesale trade), and workroom for employees. Mr. Mickel has also retail branches at 738, Govan Road, Govan ; 77, Nelson Street, Tradeston. He keeps large and superior stocks, and has a good variety in each department. Mr. Mickel has the repute of being a man of sterling integrity, and, as such, he is highly respected in Glasgow and the neighbourhood.

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