Nicol Mitchell

Nicol Mitchell, Grocer and Provision Merchant, 164, St. George’s Road.—

    This mart was founded at the present address in 1876. The shop is fitted up in a superior manner, has an excellent display of stock in the windows, the street frontage presented being very attractive.

    The stock held is very large, and comprises all kinds of general groceries, teas, coffees, sugars, sauces, pickles, jams, jellies, &c. The specialities for which the house is noted are butters, particularly the finest Ayrshire fresh, genuine Irish lump, country powdered, &c. Hams, too, in Belfast smoked, Ayrshire, American, and other well-known brands are here found in great variety, always fresh and lean, and cured by the best known trade houses. In cheese, the finest Gouda, Dunlop, Cheddar, Stilton, and American are among the best lines shown. Edinburgh and other meals, flour, bread, and biscuits, all of guaranteed quality and make, are kept on hand.

    The goods are kept in excellent order, the business being thoroughly organised. Families are waited on daily for orders, and country orders are carefully packed and delivered to rail or boat. The assistants employed are picked tradesmen, and Mr. Mitchell carefully superintends the general oversight of the business. The trade is both local and country, and of a thoroughly sound nature.