George Ogilvie

George Ogilvie, Family Grocer, Wine Merchant, and Italian Warehouseman, 108 and 110, George Street.—

    Speaking of the proprietor of this establishment, the universally read “Bailie” says, in its issue of February 1st, 1888, in its “Men You Know” (No. 798) series of articles :

    “Mr. Ogilvie found his way to Glasgow some three-and-thirty years ago, and started business on his own account in the Bell o’ the Brae, a classical spot in the classical High Street. There he remained gathering gear for nine years, and then removed to his present place of business in George Street. Among the first honours that fell to the Man you Know were the presidency of the wealthy and important Grocers’ Company and the Glasgow and West of Scotland Licensed Grocers’ Association.

    He was also for many years and until lately Chairman of the Sixth Municipal Ward, which has done itself honour by repeatedly electing Preceptor Osborne as one of its representatives in the Council. Mr. Ogilvie might have entered our local parliament had he chosen, but the care of 'les miserables', old and young, whether in poorhouse or day feeding schools, was more to his mind. To their interests for ten years past he has devoted much of his time. So much has he been thought of as a poor-law manager that last month he received at the hands of his fellow managers the highest honour they could bestow — the Chairmanship of the City Board. This is the largest board in Scotland, barring the Barony.

    For four years the Man you Know was chairman of the House Committee. In this capacity he came much in contact with the poor of the Town’s House and applicants for relief, and gave a generous and patient, but withal discriminating, hearing to their tales of woe. Possibly Mr. Ogilvie’s public life is best known in connection with the successful stand he made against the proposal to remove the city poor-house to the country on account of reports by medical experts as to its present insanitary site.

    Mr. Ogilvie is a prominent member of the Free Tron Kirk, and has been connected with it for thirty years. The ‘Bailie’ congratulates him specially on his election to the Chairmanship of the City Board. Under his regime matters will no doubt go smoothly. Mr. Ogilvie neither poses nor proses ; he is not a voluminous talker ; he always speaks pithily and to the point”.

    Throughout Scotland he has established an excellent business connection, which includes many of the best families in the neighbourhood of Glasgow. He is a family grocer, wine merchant, and Italian warehouseman, and deals in teas, coffees, fruits, spices, general groceries, provisions, &c., also in tinned goods of all kinds, and imports direct for his own trade brandy, port, sherry, claret, champagne, and Islay and Cambletown whiskies, &c., &c. Every article included in Mr. Ogilvie’s stock is of the best of its kind.

    Mr. Ogilvie has been a most successful tradesman, and his success has been largely owing to his goods having such a high repute. His establishment is extensive and attractive ; and the stock, whether for extent, quality, variety, or price, cannot be surpassed. His business is worked on excellent lines, and system and regularity are observable in each and every department, and it is no exaggeration to say that in no emporium in Glasgow are stocks kept in better order, or displayed with more taste ; in fact, the whole establishment is a model of good management.

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