Sclanders & Paton

Sclanders & Paton, Trunk, Packing-Box, Tin and Zinc Case Makers, 59, North Frederick Street.—

    A popular writer has said that “comparisons are odious,” but to this, as to all other rules, there are exceptions ; to wit, the rude packing-cases of our primitive ancestors would not suffice for nineteenth-century commerce, the more appreciative article being made in a superior manner at the old-established works of Sclanders & Paton, located as above. This business was originally founded by Mr. Robert Sclanders in Montrose Street, in 1830, and removed to Miller Street in 1871, and subsequently to the present premises in 1874. The partners now conducting the business under the above trade title are Mr. James Paton and Mr. James R. Paton, both of whom are practical tradesmen of great experience.

    The works comprise four floors, each department being well appointed and kept in excellent order. Machinery constitutes a large portion of the working plant, the whole of which is well found and of the most improved construction. All the workmen employed appear to be picked tradesmen, and average from twenty to thirty hands. Every description of trunk, packing-box, tin and zinc case, is made on the premises, well seasoned materials only being used, the speciality in which they have made their great reputation being cases for shipping purposes, every size and shape being kept on hand.

    The business is well organised, and conducted with tact, push, and energy, most of the travelling, being done by Mr. J. R. Paton and Mr. James Mitchell, the manager. The trade is very widespread and of a good class, being well established among shippers and the leading export houses and merchants all over the kingdom.

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