Thomas Smart & Co.

Thomas Smart & Co., Meal and Grain Merchants, 4, Stockwell Street.—

    One of the oldest business establishments in Glasgow is that presided over by Messrs. Thomas Smart & Co., a title that has been well known to the public of the district for over one hundred years. The premises occupied are those in which the business was originally commenced, and are located at the above address.

    There are many historical associations connected not only with this thoroughfare, but also with Messrs. Smart’s premises ; the old well from which the street took its name, and the “Stock” gate formerly known as the “West Port”, the western entrance to the city, being situate at this point. At the top of Stockwell Street the agricultural community, including farmers and others, used to assemble on the Wednesdays for their weekly market until they were compelled to remove to St. Enoch Square for more space.

    Thus the neighbourhood has long been associated with meal and grain, and it is to these branches of trade that the firm under notice are particularly devoted. A firm that lasts over a century must of very necessity be a popular one, and no better evidence could be adduced of the admirable manner in which the business is conducted or the superior quality of the goods supplied.

    The present proprietor, Mr. Chas. Wragg, has exhibited great energy and ability in his management, and the firm has become widely renowned throughout the trade. The premises are not very extensive, but are admirably adapted to the business. The large stock is stored in warehouses in the neighbourhood. A first-class trade is done in all parts of the country.

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