Neil Smith

Neil Smith, Calenderer, Packer, and Silk Finisher, 184,186 & 188, Buchanan Street.—

    This important firm commenced operations five years ago at its present address, and under its present title and proprietary ; and has developed a business of first-rate magnitude and influence, executing none but the best class of work in the branches above referred to. The premises occupied are very extensive, comprising four large and commodious flats, with a fine frontage to Buchanan Street ; and this establishment is fully and completely equipped with a valuable mechanical plant of the most effective character.

    The speciality of the house consists in silk finishing and embossing ; and another important feature of the firm’s undertakings lies in lapping and packing, both for home and export. A very large and constantly growing trade is controlled, extending to all parts of the United Kingdom. The affairs of the business are most capably and vigorously managed, and the excellent productions and straightforward commercial methods of the house have won for it the full confidence of its customers everywhere.

    They certainly did some things well in the “good old times”, and Mr. Smith has had cause to congratulate himself upon that fact in the science of erecting buildings with a view to durability, as was proved by the recent fire in the next building, this one only being saved by the thickness of the walls between.

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