T. W. Steven

T. W. Steven, Photographic Artist, 3, James Morrison Street, London Street, and 89, Dalmarnock Road, Bridgeton—

    Within the compass of very few years no special branch of science or art has developed at such a ratio from a commonplace position to such perfection as photography, which recently was not recognised or classed among the fine arts, but was only regarded as a chemical and mechanical process to produce an inartistic representation of some still and well-lighted subject. Now all that is changed. Many marvellous inventions and discoveries, together with the higher education and training of the artists themselves, has elevated photography to its proper sphere, some of the productions being acknowledged the finest and most beautiful works of art the world has seen.

    Our townsman, Mr. T. W. Steven, the deservedly popular photographic artist, by long and attentive study, combined with energy and a great love for the art, has manfully done his share in bringing about the above results. He has turned out thousands of beautiful portraits in oils. His life-size enlargements in black and white, closely resembling steel engravings, being particularly fine and suited to satisfy the educated eye. Moreover, he has popularised portraiture by placing really good and high-class work of every description within the reach of all lovers of the beautiful. Mr. Steven has been engaged in photography for fourteen years, and his business being established in Glasgow for over eight years, and being so successful in London Street has opened a branch studio at Bridgeton, and is an exhibitor in the Fine Art Section of the Glasgow International Exhibition.

    He has also agencies in the Alloa, Falkirk, Grangemouth, and Bo'ness districts, where he has sent hundreds of paintings and works in black and white, his studios being specially fitted up for this class of work. He has brought a new instantaneous artificial light to a very great state of perfection, so that weather, time, season, and situation are to him a matter of the utmost indifference in his work, some of his pictures taken in studio in foggy weather, and groups in his patrons' homes at night, by means of the artificial light, being quite equal, if not superior, to those taken on a clear summer’s day. Engineering photography, as also groups, landscapes, and architectural work being specially attended personally. There is also a large business done in enlarging and portrait painting for other photographers who have not sufficient of this class of work to enable them to employ artists of their own, this connection extending to some parts of Africa, Cape Colony having the lion’s share. Such an enthusiastic master of his art is as well deserving as he is sure of every success.

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