Edward Watson

Edward Watson (successor to Messrs. John Bell & Sons), Shipping Butcher and Provision merchant, 170 and 172, Argyle Street, and Union Court.—

    In reviewing historically the various trades and industries of this city, it is most interesting to meet with an establishment of such old standing and extensive connections as that now belonging to Mr Edward Watson. This well-known business dates back its foundation to the year 1827 ; from that date it has grown steadily, and is now one of the largest and best-known establishments in the kingdom. Mr. Watson, like his predecessors, does not confine his attention wholly to the sale of butchers’ meat, but can supply from his extensive warehouses almost every requisite for the complete victualling of a first-class transatlantic steamship. He also does an extensive trade with restaurants, hotels, and private families ; some of the latter have had an account with the firm for sixty years.

    For ten years previous to the present one, Mr. Watson was managing partner to the old firm, and in that position won the esteem and confidence of all who came in contact with him in the management of that extensive business. He is also directly interested in many of the industries of the city, and is at the present time senior partner of an extensive firm of live-stock agents.

    We would mention before closing that Messrs. John Bell & Sons were the pioneers of the tremendous trade now done in live stock and dead meat with the United States, Canada, Australia, and other countries, and that they are still to the front in this particular business as John Bell & Sons, Limited.

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