J. Muir Wilson

J. Muir Wilson, Billiard Table Maker, 154, George Street.—

    There are few national games fraught with more interest and scientific knowledge than billiards, the accessories for which, especially in the matter of tables, has undergone a wonderful revolution during the past few years. Those shown at the warehouse of Mr. J. Muir Wilson, at the above address, are particularly noteworthy, having gained considerable popularity during the time these showrooms have been open. Here tables in all sizes, plain and ornamental, in light or dark oak, walnut, &c., with complete fittings, are shown at the lowest quotations. Billiard-room fittings of every description are kept on hand at this address, and supplied with the greatest promptitude.

    Repairs of all kinds are undertaken, billiard table cushions being re-stuffed with Wilson’s patent india-rubber cushions, guaranteed to withstand the most severe frost. Recovering, and all other repairs, are executed by experienced workmen. All the materials employed, either in repairs or for manufacturing purposes, are well seasoned. The latest designs in cabinet-making are observed in the ornamentation of the tables, and the upholstery is finished in the best possible style ; in fact, every item will stand the most searching scrutiny.

    The custom is well-established among the leading hotels, clubs, and other institutions throughout the United Kingdom. The proprietor is a gentleman of great experience as a manufacturer, and of the highest trade status.

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