Wright & Greig

Wright & Greig, Wholesale Wine and Whisky Merchants, Cadogan Buildings, Cadogan Street.—

    In reviewing the various branches of trade for which the commercial capital of the North is noted, prominent mention is justly due to the wine and spirit business, in connection with which there is no more representative or influential firm in the city than Messrs. Wright & Greig, formerly of 90, West Campbell Street. This business, which, by common consent, is one of the best of its class in the city, was founded a quarter of a century ago in Buchanan Street, from which the firm removed in 1876 to their late premises. So great, however, and so rapid has been the increase in the firm’s trade that they were obliged to choose one of two alternatives — either to enlarge their former premises or take more extensive and commodious ones, and this year they removed to their present headquarters as above.

    These premises are of spacious extent, admirably fitted, and completely equipped for the carrying on of a business of the first importance. They have chosen the latter course, and quite recently have erected a pile of buildings, at the comer of Wellington and Cadogan Streets, which rank among the finest and most imposing in central Glasgow. The buildings consist of offices, cellarage, and warehouses. The basement floor is devoted to cellarage, particularly for the binning of wine, and covers an area of 5,300 square feet ; the street floor consists of offices and warehouse, with an area of 3,800 square feet, while on the entresol floor is a warehouse covering a space of 3,600 square feet. The total area of the building thus occupied by Messrs. Wright & Greig for their own business amounts to 12,700 square feet. The remainder of the block will be let as first-class offices.

    The career of the firm has been one of continual prosperity, and the sanguine ideas entertained by the partners regarding its future success are evidenced in the magnificent premises which they have erected (and to which reference has just been made) for the further development of their operations. Messrs. Bruce & Hay are the architects, and their name is a sufficient guarantee that Messrs. Wright & Greig’s new premises are an architectural ornament to the city and a trade emporium at once imposing, suitable, and commodious.

    The firm’s blends of whisky are famed in all parts of the globe, and in Scotland there is not a place of any note where their name is not known and regarded — especially in trade circles and among connoisseurs generally — as synonymous with purity and excellence. Five travellers are constantly on the road north of the Tweed, maintaining, enhancing, and extending the reputation and connections of the house. Messrs. Wright & Greig are sole proprietors of the “Roderick Dhu” old Highland whisky, and the “Shaughraun” old Irish whisky, and through these two brands their name is familiar to every spirit-drinking resident in the British Isles. These whiskies are noted for their absolute purity, age, mellowness, and moderate price, and their consumption is daily increasing.

    In every other department of their superior stock the same characteristics are noticeable, and, combined with the liberal manner in which the firm treat their customers, have won for them an unrivalled reputation and a trading connection of the first magnitude and the highest value. Messrs. Wright & Greig have established agencies at Liverpool, Hull, Dundee, and Newcastle, and have branches in London and Manchester, at all of which places a prosperous business is being carried on. The management of the house is conspicuously able and energetic, indeed, whether viewed from the standpoint of extent of transactions, commercial status and influence, or eminence of reputation, it must be confessed that the firm of Wright & Greig stands in the front rank of Glaswegian mercantile institutions.

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