John Allison

JOHN ALLISON, Draper and Clothier, 56, Princes Street, Ardrossan.

    The outfitting business is very amply represented in Ardrossan by the concern of Mr. John Allison, in Princes Street. The business has been successfully carried on by him for thirty years, and he is now regarded as a first-rate caterer for all sections of the public. The premises are large and suitable, are fitted up in the best modern style, and stocked to repletion with all the most reliable goods of the trade.

    The front shop is devoted to outfitting goods for both sexes. The ladies’ department shows all the latest fashionable fabrics in a variety of materials from silks to prints, and a wide range of useful and hard-wearing goods. The gents’ and youths’ department is no less excellently stocked with all the novelties in tweeds, worsteds, West of England and Scotch suitings, serges, Cheviots, vicunas, fancy trouserings, vestings, &c. A fine selection of boys’ and youths’ ready-made clothing of the newest and most stylish designs is also shown.

    To the rear of the shop is the showroom appropriated to millinery and mantles, and further back the workrooms for the tailors, modistes, and milliners. Making-up both for ladies and gentlemen receives special attention, and an experienced cutter is retained. The working staff numbers forty hands. The business done is very large in all departments, the clientele of the house being wide and representative.

    Mr. Allison attends personally to the control of the concern, and conducts its operations with exceptional ability and uniform success.

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