LADY CHISHOLM is essentially a Glasgow woman, having been born in what was then the quaint, old-world village of Cathcart, now a populous suburb of the great city. Her father, Andrew Carnduff, was the well-known and much respected teacher of the village youth, and registrar of the parish. She had in her early life abundant opportunities of travel, of which she availed herself to the fullest extent. She has crossed the Atlantic often, as travelled over the States, visited the West Indies, has sailed for weeks along both shores of the Mediterranean, and has visited nearly every capital in Europe. Married to Mr.Thomas Henderson, founder of the Anchor Line of Steamers, she was brought into closest contact with the great commercial enterprises of the city. Eight years after Mr. Henderson's death she married her present husband, Sir Samuel Chisholm, Bart., just at the close of his tenure of the Lord Provost's Chair. For long years she has devoted her time, her efforts, and her means to the carrying on of those numerous organisations which aim at the amelioration of the lot of the poor, for which the City of Glasgow is famous. During the South African War, she, like so many other ladies, devoted practically her entire time to the visitation of the families of the soldiers, reservists, and militia who were at the front, and to the distribution of the Lord Provost's War Fund. At the close of the war she became a Superintendent of the Mutual Social Union, which seeks by personal visitation of their homes to bring encouragement, comfort, and hope to the struggling wives and mothers of the poor.
    She is a Director of the Royal Infirmary, and a frequent visitor in its wards. In that connection she is on the Committee of the Ophthalmic Institution, in which she is greatly interested. She is a Director of the Glasgow Convalescent Home. President of the Ladies Auxiliaries of the Broomhill Home for Incurables and the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association. She is a Member of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Blind Asylum, and Vice-President of that of the recently opened Consumptive Sanatorium at Bellefield. She is President of the Central Division of the Soldiers and Sailors' Families' Association, President of the Arlington Home for Friendless Girls, is on the Committee of the Charity Organisation Society, and of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. She is also Vice-president of the Lady artists' Club, in whose prosperity she has all along taken a warm interest. Her tastes are keenly artistic, and she is passionately fond of music, and is not ashamed to say that her predilections are distinctly patriotic, old Scottish songs and Scottish tunes being her especial favourites.

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