A DAUGHTER of the late Mr. James H. McClure, solicitor, Glasgow, Grace, Lady Overtoun, was married to Mr. John Campbell White, afterwards Baron Overtoun, in 1867. They resided at Crosslet, near Dunbarton, till 1891, when, on the death of her husband's mother, they took up residence in Overtoun Castle at hand. Throughout her entire married life she has taken a deep interest in religious and philanthropic work, and she entertains at Overtoun many of the must notable religious and philanthropic workers who visit Glasgow. As Lord Overtoun himself was, she is an enthusiastic supporter of the United Free Church. She is President for Scotland of the Young Women's Christian Association, and President of the Foreign Mission Association of the United Free High Church at Dunbarton, of which she is a member. Besides being active in all church work, her ladyship holds special mothers' meetings in the coffee-house established for workmen by Lord Overtoun, and some years ago presented the Young Women's Christian Association with a Holiday Home at Kirn, and gave also to the Y.W.C.A. at Dunbarton a fine institute containing some twenty bedrooms, with reading rooms, etc. The Association at Dunbarton has six hundred members. Her ladyship is a sweet, clear, and impressive speaker.

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