33 Hayburn Crescent, Partickhill
Known as 27 Hayburn Crescent before 1887

No occupants given until 1880

1880-82    McCulloch, D.

1880-87    Shearer, Duncan, boot & shoe maker, 352 Windsor Place, Partick

1882-98    Falconer, P. (of Falconer & Co., jewel case & plate chest makers & shop fitters, 20 Dixon St. ; works, 13 Eglinton St.)

1883-87    McCulloch, D.

1887-1905    McIlraith, Hugh

1890-03    Allison, Mrs.

1892-96    Todman, Geo.

1898-1903    Harper, D.

1898-99    Harper, J.R.

1901-04    Whyte, R.P.

1904-09    McIntyre, Mrs. Hugh

1905    Grant, Captain

1907    McKinnon, Robt. B. (at Geo. Ferguson & Sons, wrights, 144 Gardner St.)

1909-13    MacGregor, Miss

1909-11    Weir, Thos. M.

Next door to 32 Hayburn Crescent     Next door to 34 Hayburn Crescent

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