15 Hamilton Terrace (West), Partick
Now known as 47 Peel St.

No occupants given until 1873

1873-78    Niven, W.B.

1878    No occupants given until 1882

1882-86    Peck, James, lithographic artist & draughtsman

1882-86    Peck, James J., ship draughtsman (at Napier, Shanks & Bell, engineers and shipbuilders, Yoker, near Glasgow)

1886-90    Hubbard, John James (at Walter Hubbard, baker, & confectioner, Downie Place, Partick, Hamilton Place, Hillhead & Bute Terrace, Queen's Park)

1890-1907    Whiteley, Sykes, teacher of writing, arithmetic, book-keeping, shorthand, typewriting, &c, 75 Jamaica St.

1907    Mackie, Mrs.

Next door to 14 Hamilton Terrace West (45 Peel Street)     Next door to 16 Hamilton Terrace West (49 Peel Street)

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