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Glasgow West

 Glasgow West-end Addresses and......                   
 their Occupants                                1836-1915     


                 Welcome to the site that will tell you all about who lived in the address that you are interested in, whether it is the house you live in, the house next door, or whether you are engaged in researching a street or district. This site will, in time, inform you of the occupants of the house, who they were, what they did, how long they stayed at the address, where they worked.

              Work is in progress to compile a full register of West End Addresses such that by means of a simple search facility, it will be possible to trace the flittings of an individual over a number of years, or to search for a person to complete an entry in a family history, or just to establish whether a person stayed in the West End.

                For the moment, a number of West End addresses can be accessed via an address index button below for the years 1836-1915. Once the Addresses Index button is activated, all you need to do is to click on the address that interests you. Happy searching !

                Remember that this site will be continually updated, so it will be worth your while to look into it every now and again to see what is new. New addresses will be added to the list, and further information will be given on the occupants listed.

                Now click on the Addresses Index :-                                  Addresses Index

Numbers of visitors

as of 31 August 2009